Saturday, September 28, 2013

The "Honeymoon"

A rainy morning in Seattle.

I know some might think "honeymoon"and have images of sand, sea and sun.  But Brent and I are a bit non-traditional, we like it that way.

We spent the morning walking through the downtown streets of Seattle, Washington in a light mist. We had arrived at the airport yesterday afternoon and rode the rail into downtown.  It was nice to be able to see the people along the way.  Seattle is a beautiful city and even in the mist of the morning we had a great time.

When here last July, we had enjoyed breakfast at the Portage Bay Cafe and we were pleased to find one very near our hotel.  The food was fabulous (and of course, Gluten Free).

After breakfast we made our way to the WSU Cougars store to be certain that we had the required uniform for tonight's game when we will watch the WSU Cougars game against the Stanford Cardinal in Seahawks stadium.  Brent has a new Cougars rain jacket and hat.

My husband (doesn't that sound odd?!) assures me that the rain will stop at 6:45PM, conveniently in time for the 7 PM kickoff. Either way, we have rain gear and ponchos, waterproof boots and sweatshirts.  All the necessary items for the game.  I am really looking forward to it.

We walked over to the site of the first REI which is located near downtown but looks as though we walked into a Rain Forest.  There is a large porch area in front of the store where we sat and just listened to the rain. The trees surrounding the building are huge and beautiful and the sound of the rain in the trees was amazing.

I noticed something odd this afternoon.  The rain picked up and stayed steady, we walked all throughout downtown in our newly acquired clear rain ponchos.  Everyone we met along the way walked with their heads down bracing against the wind and rain.  Every once in a while, sometimes in a loud voice, sometimes barely audible,  I would hear the same thing repeated over and over again.  In hotel lobbies, in restaurants or stores, on the street.  It must be a secret Seattle greeting, some kind of NW thing?  Brent seemed to know it, as he echoed back the greeting to strangers along the way.

Go Cougs!

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