Thursday, May 29, 2014

Hearts prepared for Haiti

I have traveled to Haiti before.  What I learned is that I never ever wanted to go back. On June 13, 2014 that is exactly what I am planning to do.

 Haiti is a hot, humid, nearly hopeless place where travel is a bit challenging and cockroaches refuse to die on the first swat.  The food, although tasty is not "usual", spaghetti for breakfast and if you are very fortunate you will be served goat for dinner, at least if you are privileged and North American. Which I am. The language is very confusing and not one word is recognizable to me.  Cement houses, open sewage and rubble in the streets are seen all around Port Au Prince.  There is little beauty in the surroundings, expect for in the faces of the people.  They have a beauty despite their circumstance-that is, at least for me, impossible to describe.It is often difficult for me to grasp the will of God in my life.  He normally calls me to something so out of the box of my comfort that I have to choke back the immediate feeling of panic that happens in the back of my throat.  That is how I am feeling now. 
Two decades ago I was taught to pray the scriptures.  This is done by inserting my name into the scripture that I am reading, and then giving over my plan to God's plan.  Little did I know that doing so would land me in Gonaives, Haiti  during the summer of 2012.The simple scripture I had prayed that got me into this dirty, sweaty, smelly place was Isaiah 6:8.Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? and who will go for us?"And I said, "Here am I. Send Me" Months later I was sitting in the dirt under the only tree in a yard rocking 7 year old Amelita.  She was one of the many true orphans that I had opportunity to meet on my visit to her country.  She grasped my hand as I walked through the gate to the orphanage were she lived and did not let go.  I do not speak her language and she does not speak mine.  She was looking at me with very intent dark eyes as though I had something that she didn't.  She would have been mistaken had that been her thought. At that time in 2012, I was broken, alone, and unsure what the next steps of my life would be.  I expect that precious Amelita and I were in about the same place spiritually, both of us crying out to God for guidance, provision, mercy and love.  I was taught a great deal on that trip to Haiti - I was reminded that people don't have to speak the same language to have the same Spirit within, I learned that sitting in dirt and sweating while holding a child is life changing, I learned that God does not need an interpreter.So once again, I am being called back to the country of Haiti.  I will be joining a medical team that is made up of 15 people of ages spanning decades, past experiences as varied as can be imagined but all with one thing in common.  We all want to effect change in the lives of people who are desperate for help, who long for the guidance of God, who pray for His mercy, justice and wisdom.  
I am not only talking about the Haitians we will serve being desperate for help - I am talking about the Americans also.

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